table: a flat surface, usually supported by four legs, used for putting things on
desk: a type of table that you can work at, often one with drawers
From Oxford Learner's Dictionary's definition:
table: a piece of furniture that consists of a flat top supported by legs
desk: a piece of furniture like a table, usually with drawers in it, that you sit at to read, write, work, etc.
有一個平的板子,由4隻腳支撐著的傢俱,稱為table。desk 是屬於table 的一種,因為desk的功用主要為讀書、寫字、辦公用等,所以會有附收納功能的抽屜或書櫃。
另外,在學校內或是演講廳常有的一種椅子,它附有隱藏式的桌子(通常收在扶手處),此種桌子,此種桌子稱為college desk。它雖然沒有抽屜,不過是屬於desk。